Extract one items from a zip archive.
OutputVar := UnZipBuffer(ZipFileName or Address or BufferObject, FileToExtract , Password)Function Example: MyBuffer := UnZipBuffer("MyZip.zip", "scripts\MyScript.ahk") MyBuffer := UnZipBuffer(zipBuffer, sz, "scripts\MyScript.ahk", var)
The name of the variable in which to store the size of extracted file.
The path and name of zip archive to extract from, buffer object or address/pointer to memory containing a zip archive also supported.
The size in bytes of zip archive in memory. When previous parameter is ZipFileName this parameter is skipped, see examples.
Relative path and name or zero based index of the file within zip archive that will be extracted.
The name of the variable in which to store extracted file.
Password for zip archive.
ZipCreateFile, ZipAddFile, ZipCloseFile, ZipOptions, ZipCreateBuffer, ZipAddBuffer, ZipCloseBuffer, UnZipBuffer, ZipRawMemory, UnZipRawMemory, ZipInfo, ZipAddFolder
MyBuf := UnZipBuffer("C:\Test.zip", "Test.txt") MsgBox StrGet(MyBuf)