Closes zip archive created with ZipCreateBuffer, saves it to variable and returns its size.
OutputVar := ZipCloseBuffer(ZipHandle)Function Example: ZipBuffer := ZipCloseBuffer(hZip)
The name of the variable in which to store the Buffer object containing zip file in memory.
Zip handle returned from ZipCreateBuffer.
ZipCreateFile, ZipAddFile,ZipCloseFile, ZipOptions, UnZip, ZipCreateBuffer, ZipAddBuffer, UnZipBuffer, ZipRawMemory, UnZipRawMemory, ZipInfo, ZipAddFolder
hZip:=ZipCreateBuffer(10000000) ZipAddBuffer(hZip, StrPtr(var), StrPut(var), "MyScript.ahk") ZipBuffer := ZipCloseBuffer(hZip)