Create a real additional AutoHotkey thread in current process without using AutoHotkey.dll (based on NewThread).
OutputVar := ThreadObj(Script , Parameters, Title)Function Example: Thread := ThreadObj("MsgBox Message from thread.")
The name of the variable in which to store the Thread object for newly created thread.
The AutoHotkey script to execute as string or variable containing a string. If you want to start a script from file simply use #Include directive.
Command line parameters that will be available in built-in variable A_Args object.
Title to use for new script.
MsgBox % thread.variable ; get a variable value thread.variable:=Value ; set a variable value ReturnValue := thread.Call("FunctionName", parameters...) hread.PostCall("FunctionName", parameters...) thread.FuncPtr("FunctionName") thread.LabelPtr("LabelName") thread.Exec("MsgBox Script") thread.AddScript("MsgBox Script", Execute) thread.ExitApp()
MyThread:=ThreadObj("Msgbox variable:='Thread'") MsgBox MyThread.variable