Loads the specified dll from resources into the process. Similar to MemoryLoadLibrary.
OutputVar := ResourceLoadLibrary(ResName)Function Example: ahkdllModule := ResourceLoadLibrary("AutoHotkey.dll")
The name of the variable in which to store the handle of loaded module.
Name of RCDATA resource, created by FileInstall.
MemoryModule, MemoryGetProcAddress, MemoryLoadLibrary, MemoryFreeLibrary, MemoryFindResource, MemorySizeofResource, MemoryLoadResource, MemoryLoadString, DllCall, DynaCall
ahkdllModule := MemoryLoadLibrary(A_ScriptDir "\AutoHotkey.dll") ; Load the AutoHotkey module. ahkdll := MemoryGetProcAddress(ahkdllModule, "ahkdll") ; get address of ahkdll function. ahkReady := MemoryGetProcAddress(ahkdllModule, "ahkReady") ; get address of ahkReady function. DllCall(ahkdll,"Str","NewScript.ahk","Str","","Str","") ; start new thread While DllCall(ahkReady) Sleep 100 MemoryFreeLibrary(ahkdllModule)