Load a resource in the specified dll previously loaded with MemoryLoadLibrary. Similar to LoadResource.
OutputVar := MemoryLoadResource(Handle, hResource)Function Example: DataPTR := MemoryLoadResource(ahkdllModule,hResource)
The name of the variable in which to store the resource pointer. Note, we do not need to call LockResource function , MemoryLoadResource returns already the pointer to resource.
MemoryModule handle prevously returned by MemoryLoadLibrary.
Resource handle previously returned by MemoryFindResource
MemoryModule, MemoryLoadLibrary, ResourceLoadLibrary, MemoryFreeLibrary, MemoryFindResource, MemorySizeofResource, MemoryLoadResource, MemoryLoadString, DllCall, DynaCall
ahk:=MemoryLoadLibrary(A_AhkDir "\AutoHotkey.dll") hRes:=MemoryFindResource(ahk,"TYPELIB",1) DataPTR := MemoryLoadResource(ahk,hRes)