Creates a resource only dll. Such dll will not have any executable code but can be loaded into programs to access resources.
OutputVar := ResDllCreate(DllPath)Command Example: ResDllCreate A_ScriptDir "\MyDll.dll" Function Example: ResDllCreate(A_ScriptDir "\MyDll.dll")
The name of the variable to store true / 1 if the dll was written successfully or 0 / false otherwise.
Path for the dll to be created.
ErrorLevel will be set to 1 (true) if the file could not be created, otherwise it will be 0 (false).
ResGet, ResPut, ResPutFile, ResExist, ResDelete, ResDllCreate, UnZipRawMemory
If !ResDllCreate(A_ScriptDir "\MyDll.dll") MsgBox The dll could not be created.