
Exported function that adds new code from string to currently executed script.

OutputVar := addScript(NewCode , WaitExecute)
Command  Example: addScript "MsgBox A_Now", 1
                  DllCall "AutoHotkey.dll\addScript", "Str", "MsgBox A_Now", "Int", 1, "UPTR"
                  DllCall "AutoHotkey.exe\addScript", "Str", "MsgBox A_Now", "Int", 1, "UPTR"
Function Example: LinePtr := addScript("MsgBox `% A_Now", 1)
                  LinePtr := DllCall("AutoHotkey.dll\addScript", "Str", "MsgBox A_Now", "Int", 1, "UPTR")
                  LinePtr := DllCall("AutoHotkey.exe\addScript", "Str", "MsgBox A_Now", "Int", 1, "UPTR")



The name of the variable in which to store the line pointer to new code, if code could not be added 0 will be stored.


New Code to add to currently running script.

WaitExecute (optional)

0 = add code but do not execute.
1 = add code, execute and wait for return.
2 = add code, execute and return immediately (don't wait for code to end execution).

ahkFindFunc, ahkFindLabel, ahkassign, NewThread


dllpath:=A_AhkDir "\AutoHotkey.dll"
DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str",dllpath) ; Load the AutoHotkey module.
ThreadID:=DllCall(dllpath "\NewThread","Str","","Str","","Str","","Cdecl") ; start new, empty thread.
DllCall(dllpath "\addScript","Str","MsgBox 'Hello World!'","Int",1,"UInt",ThreadID,"CDecl") ; add and execute code

; Same example like above using NewThread function.
dll.addScript("MsgBox 'Hello World!'",1)

; Add and execute script in current thread
addScript("MsgBox 'Test'",1)
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