Reads a resource from executable file (dll or exe).
OutputVar := ResGet(Executable, Name , Type, Language)Function Example: Size := ResGet(Data, A_AhkPath, "MYRESOURCE")
The name of the variable in which to store the Buffer object containing the read data.
Path to the executable file (dll, exe or bin).
The name of resource.
Type of resource. Default is RCDATA (10).
See MSDN for default resource types.
The language of resource.
If resource data is compressed or encrypted you can use UnZipRawMemory to decrypt and unzip it.
ResPut, ResPutFile ResExist, ResDelete, ResDllCreate, UnZipRawMemory
data:=ResGet(A_AhkPath,"RESGET.AHK","LIB") var:=UnZipRawMemory(data) MsgBox StrGet(var,"UTF-8")