Creates a DynaCall object for machine code function.
OutputVar := MCodeH(Hex , Definition, Parameter1, Parameter2, ...)Function Example: BSwap16 := MCodeH("8AE18AC5C3", "h==h")
The name of the variable in which to store the function object.
Same definition syntax as used in DynaCall.
Default Parameters to use when calling the function, same as for DynaCall.
RGB_TO_BGR:=MCodeH(A_PtrSize=4?"8B4C24040FB6C18BD1C1E01081E200FF00000BC2C1E9100BC1C3":"0FB6C18BD1C1E910C1E01081E200FF00000BC20BC1C3","ui==ui") MsgBox format("0x{1:X}",RGB_TO_BGR[0xAABBCC])