Exported function that finds a function in currently executed script and returns a pointer to it.
OutputVar := ahkFindFunc("FuncName")Function Example: OutputVar := DllCall("AutoHotkey.dll\ahkFindFunc", "Str", "FuncName", "PTR") OutputVar := DllCall("AutoHotkey.exe\ahkFindFunc", "Str", "FuncName", "PTR")
The name of the variable to store the function pointer in or 0 if the function was not found.
The name of the function to find.
ahkFunction, ahkPostFunction, ahkFindLabel
dllpath:=A_AhkDir "\AutoHotkey.dll" DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str",dllpath) ; Load the AutoHotkey module. DllCall(dllpath "\ahktextdll","Str","#Persistent`nMyFunc(param){`nReturn param`n}","Str","","CDecl") ; start a new thread, just the function. MsgBox % DllCall(dllpath "\ahkFindFunc","Str","MyFunc","CDecl PTR") ; call the function and display pointer in MsgBox. ; Same example like above using included AutoHotkey.dll dll:=AhkThread("#Persistent`nMyFunc(param){`nReturn param`n}") MsgBox % dll.ahkFindFunc["MyFunc"] ; Find pointer to function in current thread MsgBox % FindFunc("NumGet")