Return an object with information about all items within a zip archive.
OutputVar := ZipInfo(FileNameOrAddress , Size)Function Example: obj := ZipInfo("")
The name of the variable in which to store the object containing information about all items.
Each item contains an object with following information:
FileName, Attributes, CompressedSize, UncompressedSize, CreateTime, ModifyTime, AccessTime.
FileName of zip file or address of zip file in Memory.
When FileNameOrAddress is an address, this parameter must be the size of zip memory returned by ZipCloseBuffer.
ZipCreateFile, ZipAddFile, ZipCloseFile, UnZip, ZipCreateBuffer, ZipAddBuffer, ZipCloseBuffer, UnZipBuffer, ZipRawMemory, UnZipRawMemory, ZipOptions, ZipAddFolder
Gui, Add, ListView,w800 h640, Name|Attributes|CompressedSize|UncompressedSize|CreateTime|ModifyTime|AccessTime for k, v in ZipInfo("") LV_Add("",v.Name, v.Attributes, v.CompressedSize, v.UncompressedSize, v.CreateTime, v.ModifyTime, v.AccessTime) LV_ModifyCol() Gui,Show return GuiClose: ExitApp