SevenZip is an included compression module that can pack and unpack many supported methods: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM.
It can also create a self extracting executable.
7-zip was created by Igor Pavlov -
Dll version was compiled from
SevenZip() loads the dll module from resources and return an object with methods.
OutputVar := SevenZip(Hwnd)
The name of variable in which to store the object that will be used for compression, decompression and other 7-zip functions.
Gui hwnd to disable interaction with it while zip is performing compression or decompression..
Add file[s] to archive, if archive does not exist, it will be created.
OutputVar := zip.Add(Archive, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or path where file[s] will be added to.
One or multiple files, path or file pattern that will be added to archive.
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Automated method to add file[s] to archive
If archive already exists it will be re-compressed (extracted, deleted and compressed) with given options, it will be also converted if a different method is used, original archive will be deleted!
If file or path is not an archive or a folder, it will be compressed using same path/name appending method as extension.
OutputVar := zip.AutoZip(Archive, Method, CompressionLevel, Threads, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
File name or path of existing archive, file or folder to compress.
One of supported methods. The name will also be used for new file extension.
Default: zip.
Compression level 0,1,3,5,7,9 for new archive, see list of supported compression level.
Default: level 9 for maximum compression.
How many threads to use for compression.
Default: 2 threads.
Additional options valid for Add command.
Checks if file is an archive file (check header) and optionally checking the content and CRC for each file.
OutputVar := zip.Check(Archive, Mode)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 if file is an archive and false / 0 if file is not an archive or archive is corrupted.
File name or path of existing archive.
Checking mode:
Default: 0.
Disable messages to previously defined window by SetOwnerWindow.
OutputVar := zip.ClearOwnerWindow()
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success and false / 0 if no window is set up to receive messages.
Close archive previously opened by Open.
OutputVar := zip.Check(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 if file is an archive and false / 0 if file is not an archive or archive is corrupted.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Run 7-zip command line, see Command line syntax.
OutputVar := zip.Cmd(CommandLine)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
All functions can be run via Command Line, see Command line syntax.
Shows version and copyright information.
Delete file[s] from archive.
OutputVar := zip.Delete(Archive, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or paths where file[s] will be deleted from.
One or multiple files, path or file pattern that will be deleted from archive.
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Extract file[s] with full path[s] from archive.
OutputVar := zip.Extract(Archive, Dir, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or paths where file[s] will be extracted from.
Output directory.
One or multiple files, path or file pattern that will be extracted from archive.
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Extract file[s] with full path[s] from archive.
This command supports extracting files up to 4 GB, use ExtractMemEx for larger files.
OutputVar := zip.Extract(Buffer, Archive, File, Options)
The name of variable in which to store size of buffer (uncompressed file size).
ByRef variable that will contain extracted data.
Archive file name or paths where file[s] will be extracted from.
File that will be extracted from archive.
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Extract file[s] with full path[s] from archive.
OutputVar := zip.Extract(Buffer, Archive, File, Options)
The name of variable in which to store size of buffer (uncompressed file size).
ByRef variable that will contain extracted data.
Archive file name or paths where file[s] will be extracted from.
File that will be extracted from archive.
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Extract file[s] with full path[s] from archive.
OutputVar := zip.ExtractRoot(Archive, Dir, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or paths where file[s] will be extracted from.
Output directory.
One or multiple files, path or file pattern that will be extracted from archive.
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Find first file in archive, see also FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.FindFirst(ArchiveHandle, FilePattern)
The name of variable in which to store INDIVIDUALINFO structure.
typedef struct { DWORD dwOriginalSize; DWORD dwCompressedSize; DWORD dwCRC; UINT uFlag; UINT uOS Type; WORT wRatio; WORT wDate; WORT wTime; char szFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; char dummy1 [3]; char szAttribute [8]; char szMode [8]; } INDIVIDUALINFO;
Handle previously returned by Open.
File pattern to use for search, FindNext will continue using same file pattern.
Find next file in archive.
OutputVar := zip.FindNext(ArchiveHandle, lpINDIVIDUALINFO)
The name of variable in which to store 0 on success or -1 if no more files could be found.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to INDIVIDUALINFO structure to use for search.
Get archive access time.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcAccessTimeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpFILETIME)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to FILETIME structure to receive the result. Pass getvar(time:=0) to save 64-bit value in variable.
Get archive compressed size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcCompressedSize(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store compressed size or -1 if archive is solid archive or GetArcCompressedSizeEx needs to be used.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive compressed size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcCompressedSizeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpINT64)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 ono success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to variable to receive the compressed size. Pass getvar(size:=0) or pointer to buffer.
Get archive created time.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcAccessTimeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpFILETIME)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to FILETIME structure to receive the result. Pass getvar(time:=0) to save 64-bit value in variable.
Get archive date.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcDate(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store archive date in DOS format or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive file name.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcDate(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store archive file Name.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcFileSize(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store archive size or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcFileSizeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpINT64)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to buffer to get size. Use getvar(size:=0) or pass a buffer pointer.
Get uncompressed archive size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcOriginalSize(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store archive size or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get uncompressed archive size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcOriginalSizeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpINT64)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to buffer to get size. Use getvar(size:=0) or pass a buffer pointer.
Get uncompressed archive size.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcOSType(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store OS type.
0 : MS-DOS 1 : PRIMOS 2 : UNIX 3 : AMIGA 4 : MAC-OS 5 : OS/2 6 : APPLE GS 7 : ATARI ST 8 : NEXT 9 : VAX VMS 10: In addition. 11: OS9 12: OS/68K 13: OS/386 14: HUMAN 15: CP/M 16: FLEX 17: Runser 18: VM CMS 19: Z SYSTEM 20: TOPS20 21: Windows NTFS -1: Error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get compression ratio for archive, 500 means 50% ratio.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcRatio(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store compression ratio (0 for solid archive) or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive time in DOS format.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcTime(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store archive time in MSDOS format or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive change time.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcWriteTimeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpFILETIME)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to FILETIME structure to receive the time. Pass getvar(time:=0) to save 64-bit value in variable.
Get current file attribute, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetAttribute(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store archive attribute or -1 on error.
0x01 FA_RDONLY Reading only file. 0x02 FA_HIDDEN Hidden file. 0x04 FA_SYSTEM System file. 0x08 FA_LABEL Volume label. 0x10 FA_DIREC Directory. 0x20 FA_ARCH Retention bit. 0x40 FA_ENCRYPTED The file is password protected.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Check if 7-zip is in background mode.
OutputVar := zip.GetBackGroundMode()
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 if 7-zip is in background mode false / 0 otherwise.
Get compressed size for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetCompressedSize(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store compressed file size or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get compressed size for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetArcWriteTimeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpINT64)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to buffer to receive the compressed size. Pass getvar(size:=0) to save 64-bit value in variable.
Get CRC for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetCRC(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store code page identifier.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get code page identifier.
OutputVar := zip.GetCP()
The name of variable in which to store code page identifier.
Get rotary speed of cursor.
OutputVar := zip.GetCursorInterval()
The name of variable in which to store the speed of cursor.
Check if cursor will be visible in 7-zip operation.
OutputVar := zip.GetCursorMode()
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 if visible or false / 0 if hidden.
Get date for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetDate(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store the date in MSDOS format.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get default password that is used if archive is password protected and no password was specified.
OutputVar := zip.GetDefaultPassword(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store the password.
Handle previously returned by Open.
When no handle is given, global password is returned.
Get count of files in an archive.
OutputVar := zip.GetFileCount(Archive)
The name of variable in which to store the count of files in archive.
Filename or path to an archive.
Get file name for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetFileName(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store the file name.
Handle previously returned by Open.
When no handle is given, global password is returned.
Get file name for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetLastError(lpINT)
The name of variable in which to store the error code.
Pointer to buffer to save error code. Use getvar(err:=0) to save the code in a variable.
Get compression method name for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetMethod(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store the compression method.
Handle previously returned by Open.
When no handle is given, global password is returned.
Get uncompressed size for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetOriginalSize(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store uncompressed file size or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get uncompressed size for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetOriginalSizeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpINT64)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to buffer to receive the uncompressed size. Use getvar(size:=0) to save 64-bit value in variable.
Get os type for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
At the moment only 0 is returned unless there was an error.
OutputVar := zip.GetOSType(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store 0 on success, any other value means error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get compression ratio for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
500 means 50% ratio.
OutputVar := zip.GetRatio(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store compression ratio (0 for solid archive) or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Check if 7-zip is currently in compression or decompression operation.
OutputVar := zip.GetRunning()
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 if 7-zip is currently in operation or false / 0 otherwise.
Get subversion of 7-zip. See also GetVersion for main version.
OutputVar := zip.GetSubVersion()
The name of variable in which to store the subversion of 7-zip module.
Get time stamp for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetTime(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store time stamp in MSDOS format or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive type for an archive.
OutputVar := zip.GetType(Archive)
The name of variable in which to store archive type or -1 on error.
File name or path of an archive.
Get main version of 7-zip. See also GetSubVersion for subversion.
OutputVar := zip.GetVersion()
The name of variable in which to store the main version of 7-zip module.
Get archive time in DOS format for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetWriteTime(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store file time in MSDOS format or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Get archive time in DOS format for current file, found by FindFirst or FindNext.
OutputVar := zip.GetWriteTimeEx(ArchiveHandle, lpFILETIME)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Pointer to FILETIME structure to receive the time. Pass getvar(time:=0) to save 64-bit value in variable.
Create a Hash for file[s].
OutputVar := zip.Hash(CRC, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
CRC method. Supported methods: CRC32, CRC64, SHA1, SHA256, BLAKE2sp. Default method is CRC32
One or multiple files, path or file pattern to calculate hash for.
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Check if archive is a self extracting archive. Currently only 0 is returned unless there is an error.
OutputVar := zip.IsSFXFile(ArchiveHandle)
The name of variable in which to store 0 or -1 on error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
Stop watching for messages from 7-zip module. See SetOwnerWindowEx.
OutputVar := zip.KillOwnerWindowEx(WindowHandle)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 if handle does not match.
Handle of the window currently watching for messages.
Stop watching for messages from 7-zip module. See SetOwnerWindowEx64.
OutputVar := zip.KillOwnerWindowEx64(WindowHandle)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 if handle does not match.
Handle of the window currently watching for messages.
List files and other information in the archive.
OutputVar := zip.List(Archive, FilePattern)
The name of variable in which to store an array, each element will contain an array with [Date, Time, File Attributes, Uncompressed size, Compressed size, FilePath].
File pattern to filter. See Wildcards.
Open an archive.
OutputVar := zip.Open(Archive, Mode)
The name of variable in which to store the ArchiveHandle.
File name or path of an archive.
Following flags are supported:
Show password window and return entered password.
OutputVar := zip.PasswordDialog()
The name of variable in which to store the password.
Rename file[s] in archive.
OutputVar := zip.Update(Archive, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or path where file[s] will be updated.
One or multiple pair of files or path (nameFrom nameTo) that will be renamed in archive.
Files need to be separated by new line, e.g. "File1.txt`nFile2`nMyDir\`nMyDir2\"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Set background mode for 7-zip. Currently the value is saved but not used internally.
OutputVar := zip.SetBackGroundMode(BackgroundMode)
The name of variable in which to store the background mode.
1 for background mode or 0 for non-background mode.
Set code page of archive.
OutputVar := zip.SetCP(CodePage)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 if code page < 1.
Code page used for Open.
Set rotary speed of cursor.
OutputVar := zip.SetCursorInterval(Interval)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1.
Rotation speed of cursor in ms.
Set if cursor will be visible in 7-zip operation.
OutputVar := zip.SetCursorMode(CursorMode)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1.
True / 1 to show cursor, False / 0 to hide cursor.
Set default password that is used if archive is password protected and no password was specified.
OutputVar := zip.SetDefaultPassword(ArchiveHandle, Password)
The name of variable in which to store 0 on success, other values mean error.
Handle previously returned by Open.
When no handle is given, global password is set.
Password to use for further operations.
Set up messages for a window when 7-zip is in Compression or decompression operation. Use ClearOwnerWindow to stop watching for messages.
To watch for messages, call OnMessage with message nummber returned by wm_arcextract:=RegisterWindowMessage("wm_arcextract").
OutputVar := zip.SetOwnerWindow(WindowHandle)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle of the window that will receive messages from 7-zip module.
wParam will contain state of operation: 0: BEGIN 1: INPROCESS 2: END 3: OPEN 4: COPY 5: SKIP lParam will contain a pointer to EXTRACTINGINFO Structure: typedef struct { DWORD dwFileSize; // Total size of all data to be compressed / decompressed DWORD dwWriteSize; // Processed size of all data to be compressed / decompressed char szSourceFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; // Source file name (512 + 1) char dummy1 [3]; // padding char szDestFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; // Destination file name (512 + 1) char dummy [3]; // padding } EXTRACTINGINFO;
Set up messages for a window when 7-zip is in Compression or decompression operation. Use KillOwnerWindowEx to stop watching for messages.
To watch for messages, call OnMessage with message nummber returned by wm_arcextract:=RegisterWindowMessage("wm_arcextract").
OutputVar := zip.SetOwnerWindowEx(WindowHandle, LPARCHIVERPROC)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle of the window that will receive messages from 7-zip module.
Callback function created with RegisterCallback with following parameters:
typedef BOOL CALLBACK ARCHIVERPROC(HWND _hwnd, UINT _uMsg, UINT _nState, LPVOID _lpEis); hwnd Window handle. Msg wm_arcextract. State Operation mode. 0: BEGIN 1: INPROCESS 2: END 3: OPEN 4: COPY 5: SKIP pEIS LPEXTRACTINGINFOEX typedef struct { EXTRACTINGINFO exinfo; // EXTRACTINGINFO structure DWORD dwCompressedSize; // Compressed size DWORD dwCRC; // CRC Checksum UINT uOS Type; // Operation system WORD wRatio; // compression ratio WORD wDate; // change date in MSDOS format WORD wTime; // change time in MSDOS format char szAttribute [8]; // file attributes char szMode [8]; // compression mode } EXTRACTINGINFOEX; ARCHIVERPROC must return true to continue operation or false to cancel.
Set up messages for a window when 7-zip is in Compression or decompression operation. Use KillOwnerWindowEx64 to stop watching for messages.
To watch for messages, call OnMessage with message nummber returned by wm_arcextract:=RegisterWindowMessage("wm_arcextract").
OutputVar := zip.SetOwnerWindowEx64(WindowHandle, LPARCHIVERPROC, StructSize)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Handle of the window that will receive messages from 7-zip module.
Callback function created with RegisterCallback with following parameters:
typedef BOOL CALLBACK ARCHIVERPROC(HWND _hwnd, UINT _uMsg, UINT _nState, LPVOID _lpEis); hwnd Window handle. Msg wm_arcextract. State Operation mode. 0: BEGIN 1: INPROCESS 2: END 3: OPEN 4: COPY 5: SKIP pEIS LPEXTRACTINGINFO, LPEXTRACTINGINFOEX, LPEXTRACTINGINFOEX32 or LPEXTRACTINGINFOEX64 typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; // Structure size EXTRACTINGINFO exinfo; // EXTRACTINGINFO structure DWORD dwFileSize; // Total size of all data to be compressed / decompressed DWORD dwCompressedSize; // Total size of compressed archive DWORD dwWriteSize; // Processed size of all data to be compressed / decompressed DWORD dwAttributes; // File attributes DWORD dwCRC; // CRC Checksum UINT uOS Type; // Operation system WORD wRatio; // compression ratio FILETIME ftCreateTime; // Created date and time FILETIME ftAccessTime; // Access date and time FILETIME ftWriteTime; // Chage date and time char szMode [8]; // compression mode char szSourceFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; // Source file name (512 + 1) char dummy1 [3]; // padding char szDestFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; // Destination file name (512 + 1) char dummy2 [3]; // padding } EXTRACTINGINFOEX32; typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; // Structure size EXTRACTINGINFO exinfo; // EXTRACTINGINFO structure ULHA_INT64 llFileSize; // Total size of all data to be compressed / decompressed ULHA_INT64 llCompressedSize; // Total size of compressed archive ULHA_INT64 llWriteSize; // Processed size of all data to be compressed / decompressed DWORD dwAttributes; // File attributes DWORD dwCRC; // CRC Checksum UINT uOS Type; // Operation system WORT wRatio; // compression ratio FILETIME ftCreateTime; // Created date and time FILETIME ftAccessTime; // Access date and time FILETIME ftWriteTime; // Chage date and time char szMode [8]; // compression mode char szSourceFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; // Source file name (512 + 1) char dummy1 [3]; // padding char szDestFileName [FNAME_MAX32 + 1]; // Destination file name (512 + 1) char dummy2 [3]; // padding } EXTRACTINGINFOEX64; ARCHIVERPROC must return true to continue operation or false to cancel.
The size of structure to use. Based on the size it will be either EXTRACTINGINFO, EXTRACTINGINFOEX, EXTRACTINGINFOEX32 or EXTRACTINGINFOEX64
Set thread priority.
OutputVar := zip.SetPriority(Priority)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Use same values as in SetThreadPriority.
Set thread priority.
OutputVar := zip.SetUnicodeMode(UseUnicode)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
True / 1 to use UTF-8 or false / 0 to use OEM code.
Shows Self Extracting dialog and returns entered values.
OutputVar := zip.SfxConfigDialog()
The name of variable in which to store entered values.
Extract the executable used for Self Extracting archives.
OutputVar := zip.SfxFileStoring(FilePath)
The name of variable in which to store true / 1 on success or false / 0 on error.
Path for SFX module to be extracted to.
Update file[s] in archive.
OutputVar := zip.Update(Archive, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or path where file[s] will be updated.
One or multiple files, path or file pattern that will be updated in archive.
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.
Test archive or file[s] in archive.
OutputVar := zip.Test(Archive, Files, Options)
The name of variable in which to store the result reported by 7-zip.
Archive file name or path that will be tested.
One or multiple files, path or file pattern that will be tested .
When multiple files are passed, they need to be separated by new line, e.g. "C:\File1.txt`nC:\File`nC:\MyDir"
See supported switches in 7-zip Add() help.