Built-in function to enwrap an object for multi-thread use. Such objects can be used from multiple threads without causing a crash.
OutputVar := CriticalObject(Object, lpCriticalSection)Function Example: obj := CriticalObject(MyCriticalObject)
The name of the variable in which to store the created object.
Existing Object or CriticalObject to use, this can be also a pointer.
When CriticalObject is given, its CriticalSection
will be used and second parameter will be ignored.
When this parameter is empty new object will be created and used.
Pointer to a CriticalSection to use. When this parameter is omitted new CriticalSection will be created unless CriticalObject was given in first parameter, then its CriticalSection will be used.
How does it work:
To retrieve the original object from CriticalObject use:
object := CriticalObject(CriticalObject,1)
To retrieve the pointer to CriticalSection use:
lpCriticalSection := CriticalObject(CriticalObject,2)
When last reference to internal object is deleted, CrticalSection is deleted as well.
obj := CriticalObject() ; Create new critical object
Loop, 4 ; Create 4 Threads.
AhkThread%A_Index% := AhkThread("obj:=CriticalObject(" (&obj) ")`nLoop`nobj[" A_Index "]:= A_Index")
Loop ; Show current content of object.
ToolTip % obj.1 "`n" obj.2 "`n" obj.3 "`n" obj.4